What a Wonderful World

What a Wonderful World
“Whenever you throw a stone into the water, you never know where it will land, how many ripples it will create, where those ripples will go or what they will touch. So keep tossing stones. It's the only way to live.” --Sally Rose

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Mi yeso y el resto de Lunes

I'm always a little behind in these posts, but that doesn't mean that I don't remember the details of the last few days. Saturday was the day of the "final" for ILP which I feel I did really well on. (currently dusting my shoulder off as I write that haha) Then we had an empanada party with the teachers and students and staff. I left early to walk to the main part of town to switch out my tobillera. Jeanny ended up coming with me and we definitely went to Burger King afterwards to split the infamous King's Cone. We have a lot of fun together :) The bummer is that I had to pass up like 3 invites again being that it was Saturday night. But I had to let my ankle rest so I posted up in mi cama and found a lot of Spanish music like Reik, Cabas, Enrique, and Shakira. Now I'm gonna look like a pimp walking to school listening to my spicy latin music. Actually...that statement will not be true for the next 10 days because I definitely have a cast on my left leg that goes up to my knee...but after that comes off, I will definitely be cool when I walk to school.

Why do I have a cast? Not to worry. The doctor said that it is nothing too serious but the fact that I will have to walk to and from the metro and then to school means that I need to immobilize the ligament as best I can. Thus he put me in a cast with a little "shoe" that goes on the bottom so I can walk. I thought it was hilarious...trying to understand the doctor's diagnosis whilst trying to apply my kinesiology/anatomy knowledge. I ended up asking him to let me know exactly what ligament had been injured and he came back with a model foot of all the foot bones and showed me exactly which ligament it was. Basically, it's the one that is most commonly injured con un esguine del tobillo which is the one that connects from the distal end of the fibula to the talus. I was laughing the whole time I was at the doctor's office which I figure is a good sign. I could be all down in the dumps because there's an electric blue cast impeding me from hiking into the mountains or exploring the city like everyone else. BUT on the other hand, I need to be grateful that it is not a broken bone or an in jured muscle! Funny story: As the doctor was telling me what I would need, he said "yeso" which sounds a LOT like "hueso" so I was like: HUESO?! (bone...by the way) and Maggie and him both started laughing. Yeso just means cast so once I figured that out, I felt a little more at ease.

Maggie was a saint yesterday. She not only took me to the doctor but also to the campus office to get the need paperwork for my insurance claim. Then she took me downtown to pick up my Chilean identification card. Then we picked up my anti-inflammatory prescription at a farmacia and then went to the post office to mail off my claim. So ya...we were rockstars yesterday. My speaking was on point yesterday. When learning another language, you learn that you are going to have good days and bad days. Yesterday was a good day and Maggie and I were joking around saying things like how I should go to La Moneda to flirt with the guards because they are all altos y guapos. She was telling me some good lines to use like: "Nunca habia visto un hombre tan alto como tu. Todos los otros estan hasta mi ombligo."

For the rest of the day, we ate a yummy lunch of rice with a fried egg on top, a salad as colorful as a Christmas tree, and a Salmon filet with enough herbs to make any Santa Barbaran excited. haha Sorry--had to say it. For the record, Maggie doesn't put weed in anything she cooks. Then I helped Maggie with a computer problem and we proceeded to go through the photos of his nephew as well as past students that have stayed with her. Then Jeanny walked over to console me about my electric blue reminder of my oopsie. I Skyped with Franky who was in the barracks and had some of his fellow Marine bros with him. One guy was going through a lot and as we were talking, Frank was like: "Dude are you flirting with my sister?" Frank always does stuff like that so I decided to entertain him by asking the guy to marry me. He said he would plan on it the day that I got back to the states. So that's something to look forward to, eh? haha
Jeanny and I watched Tropic Thunder after that and then passed out. Robert Downey Jr. will forever and always be my favorite actor in that movie. Welp, that was my Monday.

On the operation table...haha

I totally got to choose the color.

Don't worry--the wheelchair was just to get me to the car. I can walk!

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