What a Wonderful World

What a Wonderful World
“Whenever you throw a stone into the water, you never know where it will land, how many ripples it will create, where those ripples will go or what they will touch. So keep tossing stones. It's the only way to live.” --Sally Rose

Friday, March 13, 2009

Physical Therapy

I am trying to figure out what I want to pursue in terms of a career. I graduate in June 2010, but I need to be thinking at it long before them. Grad school requires a year in advance to apply. Also, I have to consider the money that will be required for grad school. This is my main problem. I am really interested in Physical Therapy because i think it is a great combination of my talent for exercise science and my passion for helping others. I would be able to use my sharp mind to work in a doctor-like profession without having to attend Med School which I would just never attempt. OK here is the think: i was looking at PT schools and I found the sweetest one in Denver, CO!! How awesome would that be. it is called the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center and it is very prestigious in the PT world. Anyways, the prereq's to get into the program are 1 year of chemistry, 1 year of physics, 1 semester of psych classes, 1 semester of calculus, 1 semester of upper division anatomy and physiology classes, and they recommend classes in Cell Biology. OK. That hurt just writing that. I don't really see the connection between physical therapy and all the chemistry and physics that i would be required to take, but at the same time, i dont want to bitch out on becoming a physical therapist just because i dont want to struggle through another year of schooling. that's the other thing. when i graduate, i already planned on staying in santa barbara for a year before i attempted to go to grad school. it would be during this time that i would be taking all of these classes. and then i guess i would be applying for the program in december of 2010 to find out if i would get in by june 2011. oh gosh i just dont know. how are we supposed to know for sure what we want to do in grad school? how are you guys deciding? what if you think what you love is not really want you love? can you imagine i get into the PT school in colorado and i find out it is not what i really wanted...or that i am just not cut out for it. i think that i could be a PT but i dont want to be a doctor. and it feels so doctoral because we have to take those crazy sciency classes. but no great goal can be reach without considerable effort. i need advice. much love, Rose

The Reason Why We Exercise

I have had many epiphanies today and they are all quite interconnected. I was in weight training class today and my teacher is super knowledgable about all that has to do with exercise. She was showing me exercises to be done on the stability ball and I realized that I had been doing alot of exercises wrong. For example, when I do a push up on the stability ball (which means that my feet are up on the ball) I had been dropping my pelvis. This means that I wasn't engaging my abs and once I brought my back into alignment by raising that pelvis, my abs started shaking. This led me to realize how much we neglect our abs. We should be contracting them in almost every exercise we do in the weight room...and having strong abs is one of the best ways we can support our spine anteriorly! Here's the thing...it is those balacing exercises or those exercises that you just use your own body weight as your "weight" that are the ones we really need to be doing. Even buff guys can't do some of the challenging moves my teacher showed up today. I will tell anyone the moves if you want to know but they really do require concentration and balance, and they really strengthen those abs!

OK on to my next realization--appearance. We can all look at people who either don't go to the gym or are always at the gym and pass judgement. Well lets take a closer look. the people that never go are just not aware of what they are missing. But what I find more interesting are the people that are always at the gym. In our society, we have the habit of immediately marking them as a person who has an eating disorder or an overexerciser. But why don't we ever consider that they've realized that a daily workout is their method of relaxation. Or that a workout is the way that they feel normal and balanced for the rest of the day. i want to be like this. i want to be able to go into a gym and not feel like a "girl". i want to walk in there any time of the day and get my workout on and not care what anyone thinks about me. and then i can walk out of there with my head held high. i am almost there i feel but i will still not enter the MAC gym after 5 pm to weight training because i am all but suffocated by the testosterone in there!!

So continuing with this whole appearance thing. The girls that have the great bodies because they work for them...well i was thinking...those girls that really do hit the gym so hard for THEMSELVES and THEMSELVES alone are my role models! they don't want to be thin or fit for a guy. ya it is an unavoidable thing that men who are interested in them will look at their body but the thing is that girls with perfect bodies often times don't let it affect who they are as people. these are the girls i admire because they are working out hard FOR THEMSELVES like i have said before. i dont think i am fully here. i still tend to see working out as a duty sometimes and i know this because there are weeks when i am too stressed out and i wont work out for like two weeks! this means that i am not exercising purely for myself and for my own enjoyment. if this was my sole reason for exercising, i would be able to make time for it EVERY DAY.

So if i decide to go full-force on exercise and health in order to perfect my body, it will be for ME and ME ALONE. Dedicating an hour a day to exercise is nothing when i consider all the stress i have. it isn't time that should be seen as duty. it is the ME time that i need. this is why i am going to make it a priority and work to be that girl that is so healthy that it shows to the world. im gonna get that hot bod but im gonna get it for me...not for any boy. because the boy i fall for will love me for more than my athletic attributes.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My Day

I had one of those days. It was a little bit depressive. I was a little bit out of it. I didn't really feel like being around people at all. And then I went over to the boy's house and found out that their days were weird and depressive too. Nice to know that I'm not the only one that has days like that sometimes. Finals are just around the corner and it really stinks because I can't shake this apathy towards school that has overtaken me! This is the time I should be super gung-hoe about studying (really though...who gets excited about studying?!) but I am the total opposite. Today I came home at 7 pm in a crappy mood and I'd been in the library for 4 hours reading. I told myself I was going to get my rough draft of my paper typed up...welp...I hung out with LA for like 3 hours and then got a text and went out to hang out and sing. Now it is 1:00 am and I told myself that I can't go to bed until I have a rough draft written up. Bummer. Tomorrow is gonna be a crazy long day and I know that I'm not going to want to fuss with it tomorrow. And it is due Thursday...along with an application and along with my huge presentation that is 40% of my grade.

Here's the thing...it is not the workload that is making me all stressed out. On the contrary, for taking so many units I feel that it is totally managale in terms of homework, etc. The thing that is really bothering me is my lack of regard for the importance of finals and the like. I can't make myself take it seriously because it is almost the end and I've already made it though so many tests, so many papers. All I can think about now is relaxing and hanging out with the parentals for Spring Break. That is what is on my mind...not booooring final exams. Oh gosh, well I've made it through finals week time and time again. I shan't let my apathy overtake me. I am going to work on my essay now...at 1:30...am...I am totally gonna pass out before I can get in bed! ARGH! --Rose

Sunday, March 1, 2009

My First Blog Post!

Hey, I'm Rose Fair. I am new to the blog world, but I have definitely heard a thing or two about it! For me, I have accepted that it will always take me a convenient 4 or 5 years to catch on with the latest buzz. It took my family about 5 years to finally get a DVD player after it had hit the market. Also, I didn't have cable growing up until I was a senior in high school. My first Ipod was purchased when I entered college, and I just recently got a new laptop that has...drum roll please...a web cam and Skype! Oh ya, I am ready for the big time!

All this technology stuff can really make a girl's head spin! I have to say that as more and more gadgets fall into the hands of Americans, I am more and more content with my small town raising and my lack of necessity for those gadgets. Don't get me wrong. I can appreciate my new computer and my $30 Ipod shuffle from Ebay (I know, right!!) but at the same time, I am hoping and praying that we can all still find the time to take a walk in the park or to sit down with a friend for coffee. It is not so much that technology is bad--it is more that our manners are slowly faltering. Try talking to a friend for 20 minutes and NOT looking at your cell phone. I challenge you! And I bet if you try hard enough...you CAN actually do it.

Well, I am a busy college student who is surrounded by many blessings. I am fortunate enough to live with my sister in a cozy apartment in an action-packed city. I love my major and my minor. There are many positive things in my life, and now that I have figured out this whole Blog thing, I look forward to sharing some of those with the public. I have this habit of constantly observing the world and from this observation, I have gained many insights which I like to call Epifunny's. It always amazes me that humans are such strange creatures....and when you pair all my observing with the fact that I study Anthropology, it is no wonder that I have a lot to say about human behavior.

So please give me some feedback as I begin this whole blogging adventures. If there is one thing I DON'T have a problem with, it would be expressing my opinions! :)
