What a Wonderful World

What a Wonderful World
“Whenever you throw a stone into the water, you never know where it will land, how many ripples it will create, where those ripples will go or what they will touch. So keep tossing stones. It's the only way to live.” --Sally Rose

Monday, August 3, 2009

Another Manic Monday

Hello to all my loyal Blog readers! I miss you all so much and I am just so happy that you take time to read about my ups, downs, and all arounds. This week is the second week of classes and I have to know for sure what classes I am going to take by the end of this week. I am praying that everything works out for the best with the classes that I still need to check out because I want to make sure I am choosing the right classes for the next 5 months of my life. An update on my ankle: I got my cast off on about 5 days ago and started walking on my ankle to try to see how things were. I never know if I am overdoing it because I am like a machine and I never know how much I am pushing myself until someone brings it to my attention. Thus I have a hard time just sitting in bed all day waiting for my ligament to heal. So I have been walking places and all the time I am conscious of two things: That I shouldn't be walking so much AND that is hurts like a bitch. Excuse the language but seriously, it is radiating pain through my foot with every step that I take. I have tried every gait imaginable to try to get the pain to subside, and I have also tried very hard to not take medicine for the pain. My dad raised me to heal naturally but gosh the pain is enough to make anyone's day really bad (to say the least).

So I talked to Maggie today and told her that I wanted to get a second opinion on my foot. She's calling right now to see about prices of visits and if there is anyone there that speaks English. I think that the doctor before knew what he was doing but perhaps many of my feelings/hesitancy about my injury were "lost in translation". I'm sure you guys can all sympathize with me...I just want this problem to be OVER! I am sick of it and I want to travel and walk freely and be a normal kid studying abroad in this beautiful country. I'm trying trying trying to keep a positive attitude but until I get to the bottom of this, I am going to continue to be a little bit bitter that this happened to me. So there you have it...

In happier news, I got a ton of errands done today so I am feeling good about that. I went to my campus to check on some articles that were supposed to be at the Photocopy Center (they weren't there but at least I checked). Then I went to Jumbo which is like a Walmart and got all those things that I really needed like black ink for the printer, folders/spirals for school, Apple Cinder Vinegar (proud mama??, and of course GUM :) Oh I also found a book in Spanish that seems really interesting and easy to read. I don't know if anyone knows it but it is called El Gato en el Gorro. haha kidding (The Cat In The Hat...for anyone who doesn't know Spanish). No actually it is a bit more elevated than that. Once I have started reading it, you will probably find mention of its profound subject matter scattered throughout this blog. My mind is beautiful and once I learn something, it comes up again and again in my memory. After shopping, I got a yummy salad with tuna and a green tea. Then I went to the main street to recharge my phone and exchange the ink that I bought yesterday that was the wrong one (ps...I had totally opened the package and even took off the seal of the printer ink and they still let me get a money-back refund! cool huh?).

And then BEST of all...I FINALLY GOT A GYM MEMBERSHIP! About time, right? I am going to my first Chilean cycling class tomorrow and there are tons of other fun classes that I can go to amidst just going to workout. I haven't been able to run for two weeks because of my ankle so I knew that I needed to do something so that I wouldn't melt into a puddle of goo and ikky-ness. It's kind of a long story, but I met a really cool girl who is a grad student at UCSD and we hung out this weekend with two Chilean brothers who she met in Colorado many years ago. ANYWAYS, she told me about the gym and she's a member so now I have a new friend who is also my gym buddy. Now that's what I call fate! ;)

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