What a Wonderful World

What a Wonderful World
“Whenever you throw a stone into the water, you never know where it will land, how many ripples it will create, where those ripples will go or what they will touch. So keep tossing stones. It's the only way to live.” --Sally Rose

Friday, September 4, 2009

The Vicious Cycle

I went for a run this morning. Finally. I seem to always tell myself that I don't have time in the mornings to go running which is a lie because if I woke up early enough then I could go and still have time to get ready for the day. Then I started thinking about why I couldn't make myself get up early...besides being lazy...and I realized that it was because I go to bed soooo late. Granted I get home Tues and Thurs at 10 pm! But still, I should really try to get to bed earlier and give my body the sleep that it needs. So I started making this whole cycle up in my mind that all begins with a lack of sleep and now I am set on changing things to make my life healthier in all aspects. First, if you don't sleep enough, you can't wake up early to aprovecha (take advantage of) those lovely morning hours. That means that if I don't get enough sleep, I can't run. If I don't run, I am more inclined to eat unhealthy and it is crazy to see because AFTER a run, I honestly don't want to eat crappy foods, you know? Plus I am WAY HAPPIER and ready to take on the day and my Spanish even seems to be better... probably because of the endorphine-driven bubbliness. Then there's coffee. I have started drinking coffee because I have tied it to relaxation and waking up and just being happy and content with my cup of coffee and some reading. BUT I know that I must feel guilty about it because I talk about it to everyone...like: oh if I didn't have my coffee... or gosh I need a coffee. That just isn't me AT ALL. I think it is a phase but all the same, I want to see if there is a connection between my coffee fix and the fact that I am not getting enough sleep and in turn not exercising in the morning. I bet you there is. OK finally for all of you chronic coffee drinkers out there, I also realized another thing yesterday. I had forgotten that they say coffee turns your teeth yellow!!! I have a secret obsession with my teeth and I do not want then turning yellow because of stupid coffee. So if anything, that can be my catalyst to take it easy on the coffee for a while. I just want to make sure that I am taking care of MYSELF amidst it all...amidst all the responsibility, activities, and stress. I want to take time for myself and that means getting my sleep and getting my exercise and eating well. That is how I take care of myself and without that, I slowly go downhill. lol SO that is one of my many goals to start working towards. I'd love to know your opinions on this. Much love to you all! --Rosey Fair


  1. My fair Rosey! :) I definitely look up to you as far as your healthy habits and always have been! I'm trying to get back into the routine of a solid morning run so I feel better throughout the day, and your so right its so refreshing and just makes the day better and brighter! :) I'm an avid coffee drinker as well and have grown to become really OCD about my teeth haha but my teeth have stayed pretty white considering how much coffee I consume. But I used Listerine Whitening mouth wash and then I do the purple Listerine flouride rinse! Life changing indeed hahaha. But I'm so proud of you for all that your doing over there. Your research project looks incredible and what an awesome thing to research while your over there. I know your stressed and tired with all that's going on but I know if anyone can handle it and overcome it, it's you, without a shadow of a doubt!!! Keep up the great work Rosey and I look forward to hearing more! Love you girly! :) Miss you like crazy!


  2. Thanks Shauna! You are such a true friend...especially to read through my entries faithfully and offer me much needed advice! :)

  3. We should do a work out plan together that way we have someone to hold us accountable for sleep, eating well, and exercise. As an incentive, the Loser has to send the other person a suprise through the mail. What do you think?

