What a Wonderful World

What a Wonderful World
“Whenever you throw a stone into the water, you never know where it will land, how many ripples it will create, where those ripples will go or what they will touch. So keep tossing stones. It's the only way to live.” --Sally Rose

Friday, March 13, 2009

Physical Therapy

I am trying to figure out what I want to pursue in terms of a career. I graduate in June 2010, but I need to be thinking at it long before them. Grad school requires a year in advance to apply. Also, I have to consider the money that will be required for grad school. This is my main problem. I am really interested in Physical Therapy because i think it is a great combination of my talent for exercise science and my passion for helping others. I would be able to use my sharp mind to work in a doctor-like profession without having to attend Med School which I would just never attempt. OK here is the think: i was looking at PT schools and I found the sweetest one in Denver, CO!! How awesome would that be. it is called the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center and it is very prestigious in the PT world. Anyways, the prereq's to get into the program are 1 year of chemistry, 1 year of physics, 1 semester of psych classes, 1 semester of calculus, 1 semester of upper division anatomy and physiology classes, and they recommend classes in Cell Biology. OK. That hurt just writing that. I don't really see the connection between physical therapy and all the chemistry and physics that i would be required to take, but at the same time, i dont want to bitch out on becoming a physical therapist just because i dont want to struggle through another year of schooling. that's the other thing. when i graduate, i already planned on staying in santa barbara for a year before i attempted to go to grad school. it would be during this time that i would be taking all of these classes. and then i guess i would be applying for the program in december of 2010 to find out if i would get in by june 2011. oh gosh i just dont know. how are we supposed to know for sure what we want to do in grad school? how are you guys deciding? what if you think what you love is not really want you love? can you imagine i get into the PT school in colorado and i find out it is not what i really wanted...or that i am just not cut out for it. i think that i could be a PT but i dont want to be a doctor. and it feels so doctoral because we have to take those crazy sciency classes. but no great goal can be reach without considerable effort. i need advice. much love, Rose

1 comment:

  1. This got me thinking a little bit....first of all, I think it's really funny that we're both set on going to grad school in Denver, CO. Really funny actually....I shouldn't be surprised by now, we are so meant to be best friends :) I think that you should apply to that grad school when you come back from Chile and then apply for every internship in Physical Therapy (or around that field) that you can think of. You need to gain experience, and during that year to get into grad school you can build up a 6 month internship (during the last 6 months of school or so) and then hopefully they hire you on as something, or you can gain experience working at another place full time that works alongside or in the same office as a physical therapist (EVEN if it's a secretary!). Thank about options and think about where you want to live after graduation, then look up possible jobs in the area. No worries girl. You're on the perfect track....South America here we come! :)

