What a Wonderful World

What a Wonderful World
“Whenever you throw a stone into the water, you never know where it will land, how many ripples it will create, where those ripples will go or what they will touch. So keep tossing stones. It's the only way to live.” --Sally Rose

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My Day

I had one of those days. It was a little bit depressive. I was a little bit out of it. I didn't really feel like being around people at all. And then I went over to the boy's house and found out that their days were weird and depressive too. Nice to know that I'm not the only one that has days like that sometimes. Finals are just around the corner and it really stinks because I can't shake this apathy towards school that has overtaken me! This is the time I should be super gung-hoe about studying (really though...who gets excited about studying?!) but I am the total opposite. Today I came home at 7 pm in a crappy mood and I'd been in the library for 4 hours reading. I told myself I was going to get my rough draft of my paper typed up...welp...I hung out with LA for like 3 hours and then got a text and went out to hang out and sing. Now it is 1:00 am and I told myself that I can't go to bed until I have a rough draft written up. Bummer. Tomorrow is gonna be a crazy long day and I know that I'm not going to want to fuss with it tomorrow. And it is due Thursday...along with an application and along with my huge presentation that is 40% of my grade.

Here's the thing...it is not the workload that is making me all stressed out. On the contrary, for taking so many units I feel that it is totally managale in terms of homework, etc. The thing that is really bothering me is my lack of regard for the importance of finals and the like. I can't make myself take it seriously because it is almost the end and I've already made it though so many tests, so many papers. All I can think about now is relaxing and hanging out with the parentals for Spring Break. That is what is on my mind...not booooring final exams. Oh gosh, well I've made it through finals week time and time again. I shan't let my apathy overtake me. I am going to work on my essay now...at 1:30...am...I am totally gonna pass out before I can get in bed! ARGH! --Rose

1 comment:

  1. I can't even explain how much I'm in the same boat. You will get through this week just fine girl, you always do. Keep it together and pray when you get overwhelmed. Finals week is really not worth it....(well it kind of is...;)) jk.

    So, touché

