What a Wonderful World

What a Wonderful World
“Whenever you throw a stone into the water, you never know where it will land, how many ripples it will create, where those ripples will go or what they will touch. So keep tossing stones. It's the only way to live.” --Sally Rose

Sunday, March 1, 2009

My First Blog Post!

Hey, I'm Rose Fair. I am new to the blog world, but I have definitely heard a thing or two about it! For me, I have accepted that it will always take me a convenient 4 or 5 years to catch on with the latest buzz. It took my family about 5 years to finally get a DVD player after it had hit the market. Also, I didn't have cable growing up until I was a senior in high school. My first Ipod was purchased when I entered college, and I just recently got a new laptop that has...drum roll please...a web cam and Skype! Oh ya, I am ready for the big time!

All this technology stuff can really make a girl's head spin! I have to say that as more and more gadgets fall into the hands of Americans, I am more and more content with my small town raising and my lack of necessity for those gadgets. Don't get me wrong. I can appreciate my new computer and my $30 Ipod shuffle from Ebay (I know, right!!) but at the same time, I am hoping and praying that we can all still find the time to take a walk in the park or to sit down with a friend for coffee. It is not so much that technology is bad--it is more that our manners are slowly faltering. Try talking to a friend for 20 minutes and NOT looking at your cell phone. I challenge you! And I bet if you try hard enough...you CAN actually do it.

Well, I am a busy college student who is surrounded by many blessings. I am fortunate enough to live with my sister in a cozy apartment in an action-packed city. I love my major and my minor. There are many positive things in my life, and now that I have figured out this whole Blog thing, I look forward to sharing some of those with the public. I have this habit of constantly observing the world and from this observation, I have gained many insights which I like to call Epifunny's. It always amazes me that humans are such strange creatures....and when you pair all my observing with the fact that I study Anthropology, it is no wonder that I have a lot to say about human behavior.

So please give me some feedback as I begin this whole blogging adventures. If there is one thing I DON'T have a problem with, it would be expressing my opinions! :)

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